Al Ummil Ummat Islamic Center  

Al-Ummil Ummat Islamic Center was established in the Greensboro community in 1987. Dr. Abdel Nurridin serves as the current resident Imam for Al-Ummil Ummat. The mission of Al-Ummil Ummat Islamic Center is to serve and propagate the teachings of Al-Islam as espoused in the Holy Qur'an; to propagate Islamic interest in a way to complement the good works long established in the American Society; to help establish the Model Community as described by the leadership of Imam W. Deen Muhammad and Mosque Cares; to raise funds to carry the same into effect in any manner not prohibited by the tenants of Al-Islam, the By-Laws of Al-Ummil Ummat Islamic Center, and permitted under federal, state and local laws. From the EAST: Merge onto I-40 West / I-85 South; Take the US 421 S / ML King Drive exit, Exit# 126 toward Sanford Turn Right onto Martin Luther King Dr.; Masjid will be on the corner on your right. From the WEST: Merge onto I-40 East; Take the US 421 S / ML King Drive exit, Exit #126 toward Sanford; Turn Left onto Martin Luther King Drive; Masjid will be on the corner on your right. From the SOUTH: Merge onto I-85 North via Exit# 13A toward Greensboro; I-85 North become US-70 E / US-29 N Take I-85 North toward Thomasville/Greensboro; Take the US 421 S / ML King Drive exit, Exit #126 toward Sanford Turn Left onto Martin Luther King Drive; Masjid will be on the corner on your right. From the NORTH: Merge onto I-95 South; Merge onto I-85 South via Exit# 51 toward US-460 W /Durham/Atlanta Take the US 421 S / ML King Drive exit, Exit# 126 toward Sanford; Turn Left onto Martin Luther King Drive; Masjid will be on the corner on your right.
2109 Martin Luther King Drive
Greensboro, NC 27409
Prayer Azhan Times
05:58 am
12:34 pm
03:13 pm
05:59 pm
07:11 pm
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